AI Networking Reinvented: Accelerate Smarter with Software
What if your network could match the speed and scale of AI workloads—without proprietary hardware and costly, brittle upgrades for congestion control and load balancing? At Clockwork, we’ve made that what if a reality.
Our pure software solution delivers blazing-fast, zero-loss performance, supercharging AI jobs 24/7 on commodity NICs and switches at scale.
Turn the clock forward on AI innovation – boost AI job speed and GPU utilization.
40% Of AI Training and Inference Time Is Spent On Network Communications
Source: AMD
Network Challenges Slow Down AI Job Completion
``Achieving high utilization with them is even more difficult due to the high failure rates of various components, especially networking.`` (Source: Semanalysis)
- Lack of visibility: No real-time insights on connectivity, path quality, message-level, and job-level metrics, resulting in AI infra/ops team unable to identify and resolve issues quickly.
- Lack of reliability: Link / NIC flapping / failures due to overheating, resulting in job crashes, more frequent checkpointing and restarting.
- Network contention and congestion: Bursty traffic with multiple data flows collide on links and contend for bandwidth, resulting in low throughput, high latency, and degraded NCCL performance.
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Don’t Let Network Failures Sabotage Your GPU Utilization

157 minutes: The time to first job failure on a brand new 10,000 GPU cluster
Source: Semianalysis
- Disruptions Impact AI: Network bottlenecks and link outages disrupt AI workloads, forcing job restarts.
- Wasted GPU Cycles: Optical failures and overheating cause cluster pauses, lowering GPU utilization.
- Reduced ROI: Delayed AI performance leads to poor returns on capital investment.
Solution: Deliver fault tolerance and reliability despite network failures to achieve high GPU utilization and efficiency.
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Link/NIC Flapping: Before and After Clockwork
Without Clockwork, a NIC failure halts AI jobs entirely. With Clockwork, jobs continue at reduced throughput during a failure and quickly return to full capacity, ensuring robust resilience and uninterrupted performance

Clockwork's Solution for GPU Cloud
Our approach is fundamentally different. Our unique software-based solution ensures reliability and fabric acceleration without relying on custom hardware or in-band network telemetry. Compatible with standard Ethernet switches and NICs, it can scale beyond 100,000 GPU nodes while cutting costs, boosting flexibility, and enhancing resilience.

Learn More About GPU Cloud
Clockwork's Solution For CPU Cloud
See how Cloud Deluxe boosts app performance
Put a silver lining in your cloud
- Eliminate network congestion even under high load
- Postpone the need for autoscaling till it’s really needed
- Improve performance of latency-sensitive apps and AI/ML workloads
- Allowing you to do more with less resources
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